And now in the “Harp Guitar Relatives” department: No this is not some lutenist’s joke answer to the wacky Harmony harp guitar I blogged about a ways back (with the wrap-up coming soon!)…it was a real instrument!  The 1672 “Lute Dyphone” by Thomas Mace.

Jimmy Westbrook (working on not 1 or 2, but 3 new guitar books I hear…?) sent me the link to a private lute blog, describing the invention.

That’s the original illustration (but I also wanted to see it in its two playing positions – above and below)


Poking around the very interesting, eccentric and witty blog by one Peter Martin of France, I also found this new arch-cittern.

A monster, indeed.

I just love these amazing historical instruments that humble us “crazy instrument aficionados” today!