The Members Only section is limited to active members.
Updated June 2021

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Membership is granted on request to any Harp Guitar Foundation donors.  We ask that Supporting donors re-new membership with a small voluntary donation each year.

99.9% of the huge amount of rare and priceless material on (most published nowhere else) is free to the public, which is essential to our goal of collecting and sharing information on this remarkable instrument.

The Members Only section contains material of a more proprietary nature or that has significant costs involved in acquiring, licensing, or formatting and publishing it.  Besides building a fund for web hosting into the next millennium, this is some of what your donations are used for.

Currently featuring:

The Harp Guitars of Mario Maccaferri Eddie Peabody
Hula Heaven
The Land of Harp Guitars That Time Forgot: The Legacy of the Cera Brothers

dyer_cat_cover-hgf.jpg (110125 bytes) scherzer_guitarrenharfe_bw.jpg (20443 bytes) clef_club-mhs-540.jpg (86701 bytes)
c.1906 Dyer catalog The entire past, present and future of super-trebles The never-before-seen Petzval-Scherzer Guitharfe! Harp Guitars in James Reese Europe's Clef Club Orchestra "Harp Guitar": What's in a Name?
Gregg Miner's definitive organology presentation

Rare Giulio Giulietti Recordings The Gibson Story, Julius Bellson's ground-
breaking book (portions)
1918 Gibson Harp Guitar Music Folio 1900's Tutor for Basslaute or Bassgitarre Rare Mozzani Recordings

Rare Mozzani Chitarra Lyra Instruction Booklet

  Albert Shutt and the Mando-Bass-

Dyer Harp Guitars in the BMG Magazines: An Illustrated History Harp Guitar Timeline: 300 years of significant events Ultra-rare c.1906 Gibson Harp Guitar Brochure Rare Tim Donahue Video Clip HOME

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