Pretty dramatic photo, isn’t it? I wonder if harp guitars go up faster than 6-strings?
This is harp guitar builder Steve Wishnevsky’s shop which burned to the ground 3 days ago. I was alerted to the tragedy by Wishnevsky fan John Riley. There’s a fundraiser already going to get Steve back up and running.
By now most shoppers for entry-level harp guitars know the Wishnevsky name as Steve’s been quietly getting more harp guitars into players’ hands than probably any other individual luthier out there. Steve’s sole goal – besides obvious creativity – is to “make affordable string instruments for the working musician.”
In spite of (or perhaps because of) what I refer to as their “folk art” aesthetic, they are being played by musicians at all levels.
John (above) owns Gibson and Dyer harp guitars (along with a rare Coulter) and two Wishnevskys. At right is his latest one – a double arm version that John is adding super-trebles to (as Steve is doing also):
And recent winner of Andy McKee’s Acoustic Guitar Prodigy contest, Travis Bowman, is doing amazing things on his Wishnevsky. Check out his lovely new tune featuring McKee/Dufour-ish chops:
Seems to me, the harp guitar community needs Steve back up and running asap. Please click the link below and do what you can.
Thanks to all of you. I am overwhelmed with all the help i have gotten. First acoustic forms i will make will be for the harp guitars. Thanks again.
Sorry to hear this crappy news. Heading to the link to make a donation now. Thanks for posting, Gregg!
Thanks for sharing this on the hg site. Frightening photos, could happen to any of us and is often in the back of my mind. I hope the fundraising will enable Steve to rebuild and get back to doing what he loves, as soon as possible.
Thanks so much for helping to get the word out, Gregg! I’m hoping that the harp guitar community and the fretless bass community (Wishnevsky’s main product) can between them fully meet the fundraising goals and get him building his unique instruments again ASAP! And thanks in advance for all of you who make contributions in any amount that you can……