Just over a year ago, I reported on the (then recent) aNueNue harp ukuleles that were taking the world by storm. Apparently, they did a batch of 80(ish), sold out, and then reluctantly, did another batch, which also sold out. Last I heard, that was it. I managed to buy one for myself (which I later sold, as there was such demand), and then the very last wholesale instrument in stock, which again I soon sold.
I wish I had more harp ukes to offer! And so I do.
Duane Noble sent me the first of his stunning new tenor harp ukes (above), and I cannot put it down. I’m realizing that it’s not so much a “super-ukulele,” but a whole new species of instrument. I may bring it to the Gathering (if it hasn’t sold).
Meanwhile, Jay Buckey has recently added harp ukuleles (with six subs) to his Ukraine factory line of harp guitars (above). I haven’t seen or heard one, but imagine they’re similar in vibe and quality to his HGs, now a staple on eBay.
Then, just yesterday, a uke pal sent me a link to an eBay listing of this all-koa Michael Dunn baritone harp-uke that I was unaware of!
With all this new and escalating activity, I realized it was time for another update to my 2005 article on harp ukuleles, which I just posted.
I expect tomorrow it’ll be out of date!