After last night’s Harp Guitar Gathering 14 banquet and a late night, we had to hit the ground running on Saturday morning.
A quick Hilton breakfast, then over to this year’s venue, the beautiful old Methodist Church which grants us a place to do our thing (thanks to member Nancy Bennett and friends). PS: Chuck Thompson, CHGP (Certified Harp Guitar Photographer) arrived late the night before, and so takes over photography duties from here on out (for the most part).
First order of business was to set up a killer P.A., combining equipment of Randall Sprinkle and host Stephen Bennett. Randall and Joe Morgan calmly and efficiently laid it out with several volunteers (John Riley and Frank Doucette, to name just two)…
…all under the hands-off direction of Mr. “Bad Back” Bennett:
Alex Anderson frantically prepares for the first segment, with all its requisite technology.
Randall will run sound wirelessly from out front.
Alex’s 2 Holloway/Worland Dyers are tuned up, dialed in and ready to go. Note Alex’s added upper bout percussion “scratch plates.”
And we’re on!
Our first segment is “Introducing” a new up-and-comer. We had first met Alex at HGG11, where he took delivery of his first harp guitar, the Dyer 8 copy built by Scott Holloway. Subsequently, his pre-release CD recordings and videos had impressed us with his consummate touch, intricate, multi-layered percussive arrangements, and nice bits of melody sprinkled throughout. He didn’t disappoint.
Alex not only had his own electronics rig control, but he live-streamed his whole hour on Facebook! Did anyone catch it?
If not, you can check out some video (shot by his dad), which he had already posted before I even left for home!
Alex wrote SB and I very nice Thank You notes afterwards…I think he’s a keeper.
I second Gregg — great job, Alex!