I know…attempting to swaddle a harp guitar into the New Year Baby was not entirely successful, but I was bored…
That won’t last long. 2013 is going to be another banner year for our instrument!
First, as we close out 2012 (on Dec. 31 at 11:59 and 59 seconds), I’d like to thank a whole bunch of folks for last-minute tax-deductible donations to The Harp Guitar Foundation:
- Moving up into the Benefactor category are Stephen & Nancy Bennett, Joe & Linda Morgan and Michael Schreiner, while Ed & Sally Dowling are now in the Sponsor section. Another new sponsor donation was made by Jeff & Bina Titus in memory of Michael Hedges.
- New Patrons include J.B.Davies, with second and third-time patron donations from John & Dorothy Thomas, Steve & Vickie Farmer, Florence Berrien, Hiro Takai, Charles Hill (in memory of Hayward Hawthorne Hill) and Charles Biggar.
- Recent first-time and additional Supporting donations came from Bernard Nabozny, Benjamin Cardew, Jeff Turner, Dan LaVoie, Jay Koelzer, Terry Ferster, Dennis Weislik, Larry Elfenbein, Paul Price, Chuck Thompson, Dan & Bets and many, many more. Thanks to all of you!
Upcoming (some New Year Resolutions for the site) – lots coming and lots to do – in no particular order (i.e: I have no idea when):
- The Knutsen Archives (I’m 75+ specimens behind…I’m determined to do a long-awaited update!)
- Roy Butin (the original American harp guitarist infamous from several 78s – have you ever seen a photo of him? No one has. We now have a beaut, with the [now-identified HG!]!)
- Taraffo (new recordings and book!)
- Black (African American) historical harp guitarists (I’ve been collecting a wealth of material and meaning to do something for the past few years, hopefully with a minimum of political incorrectness)
- More on Maccaferri (new specimens and inside peeks – I have a few things to consolidate)
- Galleries and Maker Encyclopedia (at least a hundred entries behind…I’ll chip away at it sometime)
- HG of the Month (I’ve got a few of my own, now restored…gotta catch up!)
And don’t forget music. Some exciting things include the first harp guitar festival in France (more news to come), and Brad Hoyt’s 2nd CD, even more ambitious and star-studded than the last (which many of us continue to slave away on).
All this is just the tip of the iceberg I expect. Keep me posted on your news and projects and discoveries, and a happy, healthy and profitable new year to all!